Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Should Christian music be free?

I came across a Christian group on MySpace giving away their album for free. Yes, their entire album. This is what they said on their profile:

Our passion is to see Christians “take no glory” nor receive praise from man, for what God has done. We have been bought with a price, and we are no longer our own, but Christ lives in us. Let’s not conform to this world, but let your light so shine before men that they see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

You might be wondering why we are giving our CD away for free and encouraging you to copy it and share it with others. When Jesus sent out His disciples to minister to people, He explained that they should do it all without expecting anything in return (Matt. 10:8-10). He was teaching them to trust in God for their every need. We know and believe that where God guides, God provides.

So what do you think, should Christian music be free? Do you think artists shouldn’t charge for the gospel seeing as the gospel of Christ is a free gift to us? What do you say? I’d love to hear from you.

For more info, go to the Take No Glory website


Anonymous said...

I agree with this group. i think that the gospel (no matter the format or way it is packaged should be free) "freely recieved, freely given". but i can't sit an say i don't understand why minister charge. the main problem i feel is that alot of christians are really selfish at heart. many love to play the whole "we family" or "it's for christ". which in itself is not wrong, but when its at the expense of the ministers eating and being able to pay bills, then i see a major problem. one reason other religons are so successful and have a strong following is because they support each other. A principle adopted from the bible but not used by the people that claim the word of God is their life. remember the levites lived off what the people of God gave them (yes it was thru tithes, but i know you see my point). if you say its God thats the inspriation behind your minstry, then don;t be scarred of where your next money is coming from. the way i see it is putting a price tag on the gospel is only limiting yourself anyway. if you say the cd going for £10 im only goin to give you £10. you may say yh so whats the problem. well hear this. you make your cd and tell God im going to plant this seed in peoples life. When you go out and release the cd, telling people to listen be blessed and sow how and if they see fit, don't be surprised if someone write you a check of £1000 because the ministration touched them so. What you think about that?

Anonymous said...

I don't agree that Christian music should be free. All artists even Christian ones need to eat too. They need to set a price to their music, this ensures they can make a living. Anyone that wants to bless them above the CD price is welcome too, of course.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, ofcourse Christians gotta eat, but didn't Jesus say not to worry about what we'll eat or what we'll wear, he said the pagans run after those things. You're not putting your faith and trust in Jesus to supply all of your need according to his riches and glory.